What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of?  We are all afraid of something, we all have something we fear, don’t we?

According to research the top ten things we fear are:

  1. Spiders (48% of women and 12% of men fear spiders)
  2. Snakes
  3. Heights
  4. Crowded spaces
  5. Dogs
  6. Thunder & Lightning
  7. Small Spaces
  8. Germs
  9. Flying
  10. Holes (huh?)Are any of these things you fear?

Many of us have fears and we aren’t afraid to admit them, we’ll even joke about it.  But some of us have fears that we hide and are ashamed to admit, even to ourselves.   Maybe your fear didn’t make the top ten, but that doesn’t diminish the power that it has in your life.

This weekend we are continuing our “Honest to God” series and we’ll be talking about fear.  Our Chaplain Mandy Ralph will be speaking about the fears we have and the power that is broken when we are honest with God about our fears.

I wonder what might happen if we admitted those hidden fears to ourselves and to God?  I hope you’ll come this Sunday and discover how to be honest to God with your fears.

Pastor Kirk

Holy Spirit Encounter

What are you going to do in 2017 to grow as a disciple of Jesus?  Why not join us February 24-26 for a series of seminars and practicums that will help you discover the Spirit-empowered life just as Jesus envisions.  Speakers for the weekend are Pastor Kirk, Rev. Allen Fedorak (C&MA District Superintendent), Pastor Brian Tysdal (Strasbourgh Alliance Church), C.P. (International Worker) and Paul Enns (International Worker).  Register online.

Prayer Summit

Join us Sunday, February 26 at 7pm for 60 minutes of singing, prayer and communion.  We will be wrapping up our month of prayer and fasting by talking with God about the things that are on our heart and mind.

Newcomers’ Lunch

Are you new to the Living Hope family?  Join Pastor Kirk and Britton along with members of our volunteer and staff team for lunch on March 5th following the weekend service.  This is a great opportunity to hear about who Living Hope is, meet some of the Living Hope family, and get to know other newcomers just like you.  Email Pastor Kirk (kirk@mylivinghope.ca) to let us know you are coming.

Upcoming Events

  • February 20-22, Church Wide Food Fast
  • February 24-26, Holy Spirit Encounter Weekend
  • February 26, Prayer Summit
  • March 5, Newcomers’ lunch
  • March 12, Annual General Meeting
  • April 14, Good Friday Service
