Board of Elders Report
August 2018
At the August meeting of the Board of Elders, the Elders spent time in healing prayer for a member of the congregation who had requested prayer. Providing spiritual care, for the congregation as a whole and individuals in particular, continues to be an important ministry of the Elders.
Pastor Kirk updated the Elders on the plan and the process to find a staff person to replace Pastor Peter.
Given the importance of the Soul Care Conference, the Elders voted to remove the fee for individuals who register for the conference. The Elders did not want the cost to be a barrier that prevented people from registering. Some sponsorships have already been secured towards covering the costs. The elders are confident that the entire cost of the Soul Care Conference will be covered by individuals who would be willing to provide additional sponsorships towards the cost of the conference.
The Board has also negotiated a finalized agreement with the City of Regina regarding the construction of the entrance to our property from Green Falls Drive. This has been an ongoing process that involved numerous meetings. We express our thanks to Abe Toews, Ed Beggs, Rick Orban, Wayne Bernakevitch, and Pastor Kirk for their investment of time and energy to bring us to a negotiated agreement. As part of that agreement, the City has agreed that we will retain our Arcola access until September 2019. This is a considerable concession on the part of the city.
Your Board of Elders
Mark Stefan (Chair) Brad Crassweller
Wayne Bernakevitch (Vice-Chair) Howard Wiebe
Ed Beggs (Treasurer) Kevin Gatschene
Ken Thiessen (Secretary) Abe Toews
Kirk Cowman (Lead Pastor) Jim Haney